Sunday, November 2, 2008

Touching Base

I've been fairly busy lately and often don't have a lot to blog about. In addition to this course, I'm also taking assessing educational technologies. There's a fair amount of overlap between a classes on designing online courses and assessing online courses (which are a form of educational technology). Unfortunately that means I keep getting which topics and assignments go with which class.

The most obvious overlap was when both classes discussed usability issues at nearly the same time. Currently things are going in slightly different directions -- Return on Investment assessments versus course content development and assessment, but both are still looking at assessments.

However, both classes have a final project that's requiring attention. I'm hoping that after the election I'll have some time to buckle down and focus on my projects. I'm really excited about the course I'm designing for the class, I just wish I had more time to spend on it. I have a lot of ideas that inspire me, but I don't know how long they will take to implement. I'm trying not to let myself get to carried away with all the neat ideas I want to try out.

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