Wednesday, September 10, 2008

In the Beginning...

Greetings! I started this blog for INSDSG 619 Design and Instruction of Online Courses, a class I'm taking at UMass Boston towards my M.Ed. in Instructional Design. One of the reasons I'm taking that course is that my main educational focus is course design. As online courses become more prevalent throughout the educational community, I'd like to have some training before I need to design one myself.

On a personal note, three things everyone knows about me:
  • I have my Ph.D. in Mathematics. I got my degree from Caltech. My thesis is in a fairly abstract area of mathematics called algebraic combinatorics.
  • My main hobby is playing and designing boardgames. I play (and design) what are called "Eurogames". The Economist recently had an article about Eurogames. While I don't care for their nationalistic stereotyping, the article has a decent description of eurogames. To read (and buy) these kinds of games, Fun Again is a good internet resource. It's not necessarily the cheapest, but it's easy to use and has good reviews and resources. I occasionally do some work for Cambridge Games Factory, who are publishing two of my games, with the first one (tentatively) schedule to come out later this year.
  • I love to read. As a child, I was a voracious reader, reading hundreds of books a year. While most of my currently reading is online, nothing compares to a good book. I used to read fantasy and sci-fi fairly heavily. Lately, however I've been reading more non-fiction. Recently I've read The Speed of Dark by Elizabeth Moon (fiction) and Masquerade: the amazing decapitations of WWI, by Seymour Reit (non-fiction), both of which I greatly enjoyed.

I hope to flesh out this blog with links to various math and education related resources when I have time.